Corinthian 1382 and honoured guest

All attending the celebration of 150 years

Master, wardens, Met Grand Insp with escorting party

150th certificate for Dennis Brown (unable to attend due to Covid)

150th certificate, Master, and W. Bro Michael Todd PSGD Met Grand Inspector
Master and Honorary Life Members Anthony Pearson and Trevor Shepherd

Master and Past Masters Corinthian 1382

Corinthian 1382 Banner

Festive Board

Festive Board

Drinks reception

Drinks reception

Drinks reception

150th charity

Festive Board

Festive Board

SVO Andy Crawford

W. Bro Michael Todd PSGD Met Grand Inspector

Junior Warden

Guest speaker – Miki Travis
Secretary enjoying the jokes from Miki

Tyler Michael Lambert
VO Mac McLennan

Cheers to the next 150 years

Escorting Officer Tim Spriggs

Festive Board

Guest speaker – Miki Travis

Masters Chair